I. National Daily Current Affairs 2024:

- Central Excise Day: India celebrated the 125th anniversary of the Central Excise department, recognizing its contribution to the nation’s economic growth.
- First Gati Shakti Research Chair: The Indian Institute of Management Shillong established the country’s first research chair dedicated to the Gati Shakti National Master Plan for infrastructure development.

- SJVN Commissions Solar Power Station: SJVN Limited, a public sector undertaking, commissioned a 50 MW solar power station in Uttar Pradesh, contributing to India’s renewable energy goals.
II. Business and Economy Daily Current Affairs 2024:
- Renewable Energy Growth: By March 2025, India’s renewable energy capacity is expected to exceed 170 GW, according to rating agency ICRA, indicating a substantial expansion in the industry.
- Asset Reconstruction Companies: Rating agency CRISIL estimated the bad loan portfolio of Asset Reconstruction Companies (ARCs) to reach Rs 1.6 trillion by FY25, highlighting challenges in the financial sector.
- PFC-SACE Collaboration: Power Finance Corporation (PFC) signed a pact with the Italian export credit agency SACE to promote financial cooperation between India and Italy in infrastructure projects.
- Zurich Insurance Acquires Stake: Zurich Insurance announced the acquisition of a 70% stake in Kotak General Insurance for Rs 5,560 crore, marking a major development in the Indian insurance sector.
III. Science And Technology Daily Current Affairs 2024
India’s Largest Drone Pilot Training Organization Launched by IIT Guwahati
- Together with EduRade, the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati has created the country’s largest Remote Pilot Training Organization (RPTO).
- This eighteen-acre project, which can simultaneously operate nine medium-class drones, is a leader in drone technology training.
- The RPTO will start with a Medium Class Drone Pilot Training Course approved by the DGCA to give people the required information.